Title Idejni projekt proizvodnog sustava strojne obrade
Title (english) Conceptual project of manufacturing system
Author Ervin Beriša
Mentor Sandro Doboviček (mentor)
Committee member Goran Cukor (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Zoran Jurković (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Tomislav Senčić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Engineering (Department of Industrial Engineering and Management) (Section of Organisation and Operational Management) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2018-09-20, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Mechanical Engineering
Abstract U ovom završnom radu je prikazan idejni projekt proizvodnog sustava strojne obrade za 3 zadana izratka. Rad sadrži bitne elemente projektiranja proizvodnih sustava te analizu tehnološkoproizvodnih karakteristika svakog pojedinačnog izratka. Poglavlja su u radu posložena na sljedeći način: Rad započinje 1. poglavljem gdje se nalazi uvod, dok se u 2. poglavlju nalaze definicije osnovnih pojmova koji se često koriste u radu, radi lakšeg i boljeg razumijevanja njihovog značenja. 3. poglavlje prikazuje redoslijed postupaka projektiranja. U 4. poglavlju se nalazi analiza proizvodnog programa sa svim bitnim karakteristikama izradaka. U 5. poglavlju se nalazi izrada planova obrade za svaki izradak. 6. poglavlje se sastoji od izračuna vremena obrade, a nakon toga su s obzirom na vremena operacija oblikovane matrice u 7. poglavlju pomoću kojih se vrši grupiranje izradaka uzimajući u obzir stupnjeve iskorištenja, to grupiranje se nalazi u 8. poglavlju. Za grupiranje izradaka se koristi procesna metoda. Tek nakon grupiranja izradaka moguće je odabrati model proizvodnog sustava, a to je prikazano u 9. poglavlju. Proračun terminskog opterećenja se nalazi u 10. poglavlju. 11. poglavlje sadrži prikaz redoslijeda obrade, a pomoću gantograma je izračunat ciklus izrade u 12. poglavlju. Izbor rukovanja i transporta je zadan u 13. poglavlju, a karakteristike odabrane proizvodne opreme se nalaze u 14. poglavlju zajedno sa slikama pojedinih strojeva. Prostorni raspored proizvodne opreme je određen zajedno sa hodogramima obrade za svaki izradak kroz 15. i 16. poglavlje, a grafovi se nalaze u prilozima. Na kraju je izračunato koliko je radnika potrebno za obradu svih izradaka, ono se nalazi u 17. poglavlju. Kroz posljednjih par poglavlja je postavljen zaključak, popis slika i tablica te literatura. Što se tiče rezultata za ovaj zadatak, prostorni raspored se sastoji od 4 stroja, od kojih 2 stroja pripadaju osnovnom proizvodnom sustavu, a ostala 2 stroja pomoćnom proizvodnom sustavu. Osnovni proizvodni sustav se sastoji od CNC proizvodne opreme (tokarilice i glodalice), dok se pomoćni proizvodni sustav sastoji od stroja za pranje te stroja za kontrolu dimenzija izradaka (koordinatni mjerni uređaj). Rezultati su vrlo zadovoljavajući zbog male količine potrebnih strojeva kao i radnika za izvršenje zadanog zadatka u danom roku.
Abstract (english) The conceptual project of manufacturing system is presented in this final thesis for 3 default workpieces. The thesis contains all relevant elements of the design of the production systems and the analysis of technological-productive characteristics of every individual workpiece. Chapters are in thesis arranged on the next way: Thesis starts with introduction in first chapter, while in 2. chapter there are definitions of basic concepts which are often used in a thesis, mostly because of an easier and better understanding of their meaning. 3. chapter shows order of design procedures. Production program analysis is placed in 4. chapter with all important charachteristics of workpieces. In the 5. chapter there is the elaboration of plans of processing for each workpiece. 6. chapter consists of processing time calculation, and after that matrix are being designed considering the time of operations in 7. chapter and by them a grouping of products is performed with respect to an utilization rate, that grouping is in 8. chapter. A process method is used for grouping of products. Only after grouping of products is possible to select a model of production system, that is shown in 9. chapter. Calculation of the term load is in 10. chapter. 11. chapter contains review of processing order, and the cycle of production is calculated by the Gantt Chart in 12. chapter. The election of handling and transportation is given in 13. chapter, and characteristics of the selected production equipment are in 14. chapter together with the pictures of each machine. The spatial layout of production equipment is determined so as the processing scheduling through 15. and 16. chapter, and graphs are shown in side dish. At the end is given a calculation of how many workers are needed for processing of all workpieces, it is placed in 17. chapter. At the last chapters, there are conclusion, a list of pictures and tables, and literature. Considering the results of this thesis, spatial layout consists of 4 machines, where 2 of them belong to a basic production system, and the other 2 belong to an auxiliary production system. Basic production system consists of CNC production equipment (lathe and mill), while auxiliary production system consists of washing machine and dimension measuring machine (coordinatemeasuring machine). The results are very satisfactory because of a small amount of needed machines even as workers for performing the default task in deadline.
proizvodni sustav
proizvodna oprema
grupiranje izradaka
stupnjevi iskorištenja
plan obrade
koeficijent korelacije
Keywords (english)
production system
production equipment
grouping of products
utilization rates
processing plan
correlation coefficient
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:190:376862
Study programme Title: Mechanical Engineering Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) inženjer/inženjerka strojarstva (stručni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) inženjer/inženjerka strojarstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2018-09-25 10:09:04