Abstract | Brodska strojarnica sadrži širok raspon opreme i sustava kao što su glavni motori, generatori,
pumpe, ventili, izmjenjivači topline, sustavi goriva, sustavi hlađenja i još nekolicine sličnih
sistema. Takav raspon opreme iziskuje suradnju radnika raznih struka prilikom opremanja same
strojarnice. Samim time na opremanju strojarnice sudjeluju: cjevari, bravari, električari, limari,
izolateri, brodski mehaničari, stolari, zidari, ispitivači te kontrolori. Kako bi proveli opremanje
treće platforme strojarnice broda za prijevoz kemikalija, u ovom smo radu kroz četiri različita
slučaja došli do optimalne verzije opremanja. Svaki slučaj sastojao se od istih aktivnosti: montaža
temelja, montaža strojeva i uređaja, bravarski radovi, cjevarski radovi, električarski radovi,
limarski radovi, izolaterski radovi te ispitivanja i kontrola istih. Glavna varijabla koju smo
mijenjali bila je broj radnika na svakoj od aktivnosti. Time smo dobivali različite rezultate
vremenskog trajanja i troškova opremanja. Cilj je bio proučiti utjecaj određenih varijabli kako bi
se došlo do optimalnog. Počeli smo sa zadanim vrijednostima dobivenih konzultiranjem sa
mentorom i time napravili prvi slučaj opremanja. Prva i druga varijacija bile su pokušaj prikaza
dviju krajnosti, dva suprotna slučaja u kojem je cilj prvog slučaja bio postići proces opremanja sa
što kraćim ukupnim vremenskim trajanjem aktivnosti, a drugog dobivanje što jeftinijeg procesa.
Tek sa zadnjim slučajem krenula je optimizacija zadanih varijabli na način da pokušamo smanjiti
i troškove i trajanje aktivnosti, u čemu smo i uspjeli. |
Abstract (english) | The ship's engine room contains a wide range of equipment and systems such as main engines,
generators, pumps, valves, heat exchangers, fuel systems, cooling systems, and more similar
systems. Such a range of equipment requires the cooperation of workers from various professions
when equipping the engine room itself. Therefore, the engine room fitting involves: pipefitters,
welders, electricians, sheet metal workers, insulators, ship mechanics, carpenters, masons,
inspectors, and controllers. To carry out the outfitting of the third platform of the ship's engine
room for chemical transportation, in this work, we have come to the optimal version of outfitting
through four different cases. Each case consisted of the same activities: foundation assembly,
machinery and equipment assembly, welding, pipefitting, electrical work, sheet metal work,
insulation work, and testing and control of the same. The main variable we changed was the
number of workers on each activity. This gave us different results in terms of duration and
equipment costs. The aim was to study the impact of certain variables in order to reach the
optimum. We started with the given values obtained by consulting with the mentor and thus made
the first case of equipping. The first and second variations were attempts to show two extremes,
two opposite cases in which the goal of the first case was to achieve an outfitting process with the
shortest total activity duration, and the second to get a cheaper process. Only with the last case did
the optimization of the given variables begin in an attempt to reduce both costs and activity
duration, which we succeeded in. |