Abstract | U ovom radu je predstavljen projekt niskotlačne kondenzacijske parne turbine koja ima dva simetrična toka i ukupno četiri oduzimanja pare. Svaki tok ima dva oduzimanja pare. Na temelju zadanih podataka, efektivne snage turbine u iznosu od 93,8 MW, brzine vrtnje 3000 min-1, ulazne temperature 289,40C i tlaka pare 7 bar, tlaka u kondenzatoru 0,048 bar, dva simetrična oduzimanja na tlaku 0,22 bar s ukupnim masenim protokom 6,124 kg/s, oduzimanje pare na jednom toku s tlakom od 1,054 bar i masenim protokom 9,928 kg/s i drugo s tlakom od 2,948 bar i masenim protokom 8,5050 kg/s na drugom toku, obavljen je termodinamički proračun i proračun realne razdiobe toplinskog pada niskotlačne kondenzacijske parne turbine. Proračunom toplinskog pada dobivene su veličine stanja (tlak, temperatura, entalpija, specifični volumen) u pojedinim karakterističnim točkama procesa u turbini kao i maseni protok pare na ulazu u turbinu. Temeljem toga izvršen je termodinamički proračun stupnjeva turbine, kojim su dobivene osnovne dimenzije i strujne karakteristike pojedinih stupnjeva turbine. Svaki tok ima po sedam stupnjeva te je za svaki stupanj zasebno napravljen termodinamički proračun. S ciljem provjere dobivenih rezultata strujnih karakteristika napravljeni su trokuti brzina za svaki stupanj. U prilogu se nalazi nacrt uzdužnog presjeka niskotlačne kondenzacijske parne turbine. |
Abstract (english) | In this graduated thesis is given a project of a low pressure condensing steam turbine with two symmetric flows and a total of four subtraction's. Each steam flow has two subtraction's of steam. Based on the data, the effective turbine power of 93,8 MW, the speed of rotation 3000 min-1, the inlet steam temperature 289,40C and pressure of 7 bar, the pressure in the condenser 0,048 bar, two symmetric subtraction's at pressure 0,22 bar with a total mass flow of 6,124 kg/s, subtraction of steam on one flow with a pressure of 1,054 bar and a mass flow of 9,928 kg/s and steam subtraction at a pressure of 2,948 bar and a mass flow of 8,505 kg/s at the second flow, a thermodynamic caculation and a calculation of heat drop of a low pressure condensation steam turbine is completed. The calculation of heat drop yields the states of magnitude (pressure, temperature, enthalpy, specific volume) in certain characteristic points of the process in the turbine as well as mass flow of steam at the inlet of the turbine. Based on this, a thermodynamic calculation of turbine stages was performed, which provided the basic dimensions and current characteristics of individual turbine stages. Each flow has seven stages, and for each stage a thermodynamic calculation is separately made. In order to verify the result's of the current characteristics for each stage a velocity triangle is made. In the attachment you will find a scheme of the longitudinal section of the low pressure condensation steam turbine. |