@article{medri:8036, author = {{Milošević, Teodora and Piličić, Stjepan and Široka, Matija and Úbeda, I. L. and Kranjčević, L. and Štepec, D. and Martničič, T. and Costa, J. P. and Fuart, F. and Linšak, Željko and Traven, Luka}}, title = {{IoT-based real-time assessment of atmospheric emission from the Port of Piraeus, Greece}}, } @article{medri:4168, author = {{Široka, Matija and Piličić, Stjepan and Milošević, Teodora and Lacalle, Ignacio and Traven, Luka}}, title = {{A novel approach for assessing the ports’ environmental impacts in real time – The IoT based port environmental index}}, } @article{medri:5954, author = {{Milošević, Teodora and Kranjčević, Lado and Piličić, Stjepan and Čavrak, Marko and Kegalj, Igor and Traven, Luka}}, title = {{Air Pollution Dispersion Modeling in Port Areas}}, } @article{medri:5429, author = {{Piličić, Stjepan and Kegalj, Igor and Tserga, Eirini and Milošević, Teodora and Žigulić, Roberto and Skoblar, Ante and Traven, Luka}}, title = {{Influence of meteorological conditions on noise dispersion in the Port of Thessaloniki}}, } @article{medri:5953, author = {{Piličić, Stjepan and Traven, Luka and Milošević, Teodora and Kegalj, Igor and Skoblar, Ante and Žigulić, Roberto}}, title = {{Noise Pollution – Introduction to the State of the Research and the Implementation in the Horizon 2020 Project Pixel}}, } @mastersthesis{riteh:298, author = {{Milošević, Teodora}}, title = {{DOPRINOS RIJEČKIH ZNANSTVENIKA NA PODRUČJU TOPLINSKE KONVERZIJE SUNČEVE ENERGIJE I OBNOVLJIVIH IZVORA ENERGIJE}}, }