pid type title authors mentors source_title published_date url doi isbn issn eissn medri:8036 "journal article" "IoT-based real-time assessment of atmospheric emission from the Port of Piraeus, Greece" "Milošević, Teodora; Piličić, Stjepan; Široka, Matija; Úbeda, I. L.; Kranjčević, L.; Štepec, D.; Martničič, T.; Costa, J. P.; Fuart, F.; Linšak, Željko; Traven, Luka" medri:4168 "journal article" "A novel approach for assessing the ports’ environmental impacts in real time – The IoT based port environmental index" "Široka, Matija; Piličić, Stjepan; Milošević, Teodora; Lacalle, Ignacio; Traven, Luka" medri:5954 "journal article" "Air Pollution Dispersion Modeling in Port Areas" "Milošević, Teodora; Kranjčević, Lado; Piličić, Stjepan; Čavrak, Marko; Kegalj, Igor; Traven, Luka" medri:5429 "journal article" "Influence of meteorological conditions on noise dispersion in the Port of Thessaloniki" "Piličić, Stjepan; Kegalj, Igor; Tserga, Eirini; Milošević, Teodora; Žigulić, Roberto; Skoblar, Ante; Traven, Luka" medri:5953 "journal article" "Noise Pollution – Introduction to the State of the Research and the Implementation in the Horizon 2020 Project Pixel" "Piličić, Stjepan; Traven, Luka; Milošević, Teodora; Kegalj, Igor; Skoblar, Ante; Žigulić, Roberto" riteh:298 thesis "DOPRINOS RIJEČKIH ZNANSTVENIKA NA PODRUČJU TOPLINSKE KONVERZIJE SUNČEVE ENERGIJE I OBNOVLJIVIH IZVORA ENERGIJE" "Milošević, Teodora"