Author Marko Lukeš
Mentor Anton Turk (mentor)
Mentor Marko Hadjina (komentor)
Committee member Roko Dejhalla (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Albert Zamarin (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Anton Turk (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Engineering (Department of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering) (Section of Ship Design) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2023-09-21, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Shipbuilding Construction and Maintenance Technology for Floating and Maritime Structures
Abstract Porinuće broda predstavlja prelazak broda iz faze gradnje u fazu plovidbe i označava ključni trenutak u procesu izgradnje plovila. Ovaj svečani trenutak, međutim, zahtijeva temeljito planiranje, precizan proračun i pažljivu provedbu kako bi se osigurala sigurnost, stabilnost i uspješno spuštanje broda u vodu. Fokus ovog diplomskog rada bio je usmjeren na uzdužno porinuće broda, specifičan način spuštanja broda u vodu duž osi njegove konstrukcije.
Analizirani primjer bio je brod 527 iz
... More Brodogradilišta 3. Maj. U procesu proračuna koristio se sofisticirani softver "NAPA" kako bi se izračunao gaz na pramčanom i krmenom dijelu broda, uzimajući u obzir prevaljeni put, uzgon broda i položaj težišta uzgona. Paralelno, detaljno su proučavani momenti uzgona i momenti težine u odnosu na kraj navoza. Planiranje je uključivalo strategiju ravnoteže balasta kako bi se osigurala optimalna stabilnost i kontrola tijekom porinuća.
Značajna pozornost posvećena je strategiji okretanja broda. Posebno je naglašeno minimiziranje otpora pri okretanju i postizanje duljeg puta prije samog zakretanja. S tim ciljem, razrađeni su detaljni planovi za dodatna pojačanja u pramcu broda kako bi se osigurala strukturalna integritet tijekom ključnih trenutaka okretanja.
Rezultati proračuna osigurali su dragocjene informacije o raspodjeli pritiska na saoniku u mirnom stanju, kao i o pritiscima na pramčani i krmeni dio saonica tijekom samog porinuća. Ovi podaci ključni su za izradu preciznih planova podmazivanja saonica kako bi se osigurala optimalna performansa tijekom porinuća.
U zaključku, porinuće broda je svečan trenutak koji zahtijeva detaljno planiranje i proračun kako bi se osigurala sigurnost i uspješnost tog ključnog trenutka u procesu izgradnje broda. Ovaj diplomski rad pruža dublje razumijevanje uzdužnog porinuća i pruža smjernice za poboljšanje sigurnosti i učinkovitosti ovog značajnog koraka. Uz pravilnu pripremu opreme i precizno izvođenje koraka, ceremonija porinuća može se promatrati s povjerenjem i sigurnošću, označavajući uspješan prelazak broda iz gradilišta u more. Less
Abstract (english) Launching a ship signifies the pivotal moment when it transitions from the construction phase to the navigation phase, marking a ceremonial milestone in the shipbuilding process. However, this ceremonious event demands meticulous planning, precise calculation, and careful execution to ensure safety, stability, and the successful descent of the vessel into the water. The focal point of this master's thesis was the longitudinal launch of a ship, a specific method in which the ship is
... More lowered into the water along its longitudinal axis.
The analyzed case study pertained to Ship 527, constructed in the 3. Maj Shipyard. In the calculation process, advanced software, "NAPA," was employed to determine the draft at the bow and stern, taking into consideration the distance covered, the buoyancy of the ship, and the position of the center of buoyancy. Simultaneously, a detailed examination of the moments of buoyancy and weight concerning the end of the slipway was conducted. The planning phase encompassed a strategy for balancing ballast to secure optimal stability and control during the launch.
Significant attention was devoted to the strategy for turning the ship. Emphasis was placed on minimizing resistance during turning and achieving a longer trajectory before the actual turn. To realize this, comprehensive plans for additional reinforcements at the bow of the ship were developed to safeguard structural integrity during critical turning moments.
The outcomes of the calculations yielded invaluable insights into the distribution of pressure on the keel at rest and pressures on the bow and stern sections of the slipway during the launch. These data are pivotal for formulating precise slipway lubrication plans to ensure optimal performance during the launch.
In conclusion, launching a ship is a ceremonial moment requiring meticulous planning and calculation to guarantee the safety and success of this pivotal step in the shipbuilding process. This master's thesis provides a deeper understanding of longitudinal ship launching and offers guidance for enhancing the safety and efficiency of this significant procedure. With proper equipment preparation and precise execution of the steps, the launch ceremony can be observed with confidence and assurance, symbolizing the successful transition of the vessel from the shipyard to the sea. Less
uzdužno porinuće broda
tehnologija porinuća sa navoza
statički proračun
dijagram porinuća
NAPA softver
Keywords (english)
longitudinal ship launching
launching technology from the slipway
static calculation
launching diagram
NAPA software.
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:190:125676
Study programme Title: Graduate University Study of Naval Architecture Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka brodogradnje (magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka brodogradnje)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2023-09-27 17:19:31