Sažetak | U ovom diplomskom radu odrađen je CAM postupak u Mastercam 2022 programskom paketu uz RoboDK dodatak. U Mastercam-u su napravljene putanje alata za grubu i finu obradu, definirane veličine alata, parametri rezanja i ograničenja. Gruba obrada napravljena je uz pomoć alata za 3D, a fina uz alate za više-osno glodanje. U RoboDK izrađena je virtualna radna stanica u kojoj se nalazi robot HC10DT na pomičnim kolicima, prihvatnica, motor-vreteno, alat, model izratka i upravljač YRC1000. Preko RoboDK dodatka u Mastercam-u model izratka i putanje alata prebačene su u RoboDK. Tamo su definirani dodatni parametri obrade, optimizirane putanje, provjerene kolizije, dodane točke i sl. Također, generirana je i virtualna simulacija obrade prije programskog koda. Stvoren je novi post-procesor prema potrebama ovog rada. Generirani kod je prebačen na robota putem USB-a. Provedena su mnoga testiranja prije samog početka glodanja. Na robotsku ruku se na kraju montirala lakša prihvatnica i glodalica te odgovarajući alati. Polistirenska ploča izrezana je na manje komade koji su stegnuti na radnu površinu s pomoću stezaljki. Gruba obrada odrađena je uz pomoć dugog ravnog glodala promjera 6 mm, a nakon manualne promjene alata odrađena je fina obrada kugličnim glodalom promjera 6 mm. Robot Yaskawa MOTOMAN HC10DT i njegov upravljač YRC1000 odgovorni su za precizno pomicanje alata oko obradnog materijala. Cijeli rad popraćen je detaljnom dokumentacijom. |
Sažetak (engleski) | This master's thesis presents the creation of CAM program in the Mastercam 2022 software package with the RoboDK add-on. Toolpaths for roughing and finishing, tool dimensions, cutting parameters and constraints are defined in this software. Roughing is done with 3D toolpaths and the fine milling is done with multi-axis toolpaths. In RoboDK, a virtual workstation was created in which there is a HC10DT robot on a mobile working station, a tool receiver, a motor-spindle, a tool, a workpiece model and a YRC1000 controller. Using the RoboDK plugin in Mastercam, the workpiece model and toolpaths are transferred to RoboDK. There, additional processing parameters are defined, paths are optimized, collisions are checked, points are added, other programs can be called, and a virtual simulation of processing is displayed before code generation. A new post-processor was created according to the needs of this project. The generated code was transferred to the robot using USB. Many tests were carried out before the start of milling. At the end, a lighter tool receiver and milling machine, with corresponding milling cutters, were mounted on the robotic arm. The polystyrene board is cut into smaller pieces that are fixed to the work surface using clamps. Rough processing was done using a long flat milling cutter with a diameter of 6 mm, and after manual tool change, fine processing was carried out with a ball milling cutter with a diameter of 6 mm. The Yaskawa MOTOMAN HC10DT robot and its YRC1000 controller are responsible for precise tool movement around the workpiece. This documentation contains all necessary information about softwares, characteristics of robot, controller, milling motors and end mill tools. |